Offer data is transmitted to idealo via an export file. These files are typically generated by an export function in your shop system and accessed via the corresponding link. Alternatively, the export file can also be stored on an FTP or web server (HTTP/HTTPS) for retrieval. The data provided is usually downloaded and imported by idealo every 30 minutes.
The following options are available for transmitting offers using an export file:
- CSV format (*.csv) – This is our preferred file format.
- XML format (*.xml)
- TXT format (*.txt)
For details on how offer data transmission works between you and idealo, refer to the document "Technical Integration of Offer Data."
Offer Transmission via Interface (API)
Alternatively, you can also transmit your offer data through our Partner Web Service (PWS 2.0). No export file is needed for this, as you provide offer information via a plug-in, for example. You can find all information about this interface in your idealo Business account under My idealo / Shop Settings / API Clients / Partner Web Service 2.0.
Please contact your service provider in advance so that they can assist you with the setup.