The idealo Product Catalogue consists of several million product data sets, which we edit professionally and maintain on an ongoing basis. These idealo products comprise some carefully-processed product charateristics, expert reviews, user reviews and images.
Thanks to the Product Catalogue, we can offer a structured and transparent price/product comparison portal with the many millions of offers we receive from our retailers. Our aim is to allocate as many retailer offers as possible to the correct idealo products.
To ensure that our retailers' offers are correctly allocated to the idealo product catalogue, idealo performs a match using so-called identifiers. These are, for example, barcode numbers (EANs or GTINs) or the manufacturers' model numbers. Therefore, to optimise the result of this process, you as a retailer should try to provide idealo with the exact identifiers for the offers in your export feed.
There are many factors that influence which products of yours are created and maintained as idealo products. These include, for instance, the product type, the number of different retailers offering that product and the number of searches for that product performed by idealo's users.
If there is no matching idealo product for a retailer's offer, or if the offer cannot be allocated to a product, it will be listed in our Open Catalogue.